St. Stephen's Cemetery currently offers:
- Traditional in-ground casket burials marked with upright or flat monuments
- Columbarium niches for placement of cremated remains above ground
- In-ground burial of cremated remains
- Green burial garden for natural green interments
- Nature Trail for in-ground cremation burial in our forest
- Scattering Garden for cremated remains
- Field of Honour for veterans and spouses
- Space for family groupings
- Space for family mausoleums and family columbariums
- Areas available for exclusive use by other denominations and cultures
Long-range planned services include:
- Water features and natural wetland areas
- Chapel and social centre
- Public Mausoleum.
Since St. Stephen's is still in the development stages, we are in a unique position to incorporate new services that may be requested by the public. If you have different requirements or need other services, please contact us.