Columbarium Niches

Our Columbarium Patio is located in the Garden of Tranquility. Each columbarium structure contains chambers referred to as Niches.

Each Niche is a cubic foot in size and can accommodate two urns. Epitaphs are sandblasted onto the granite doors.


In-ground Urns

An area for in-ground interments of cremated remains is situated in the Garden of Tranquility. Full-sized graves are divided into two spaces allowing for the placement of a flat marker and the interment of two urns in each half-sized space.


Nature Trail

The Nature Trail at St. Stephen's Cemetery offers an attractive alternative for families that wish to bury cremated remains among the trees in our forest.

Future plans will feature a viewing area that will enable visitors to enjoy the abundance of wildlife in our natural wetland area, and observe the many birds that make our forest their home.

Nature Trail spaces can accommodate up to two urns, and include a Boulder-style monument and engraving.


Scattering Gardens for Cremated Remains

The scattering garden, along side the green burial garden, features walkways surrounded by natural willows in a wetland, and offers the option of disposing of cremated remains in a very natural setting.

The cost of scattering is minimal. There is the option of memorialization on a communal plaque at a very reasonable cost.



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St. Stephen's Cemetery | 20303 - Meridian St. N.E. | Edmonton, Alberta CANADA T5Y 6E6
No regular hours ~ By appointment only ~ Please phone: George Zaharia at 780 720-0800
Copyright © 2012-2025 St. Stephen's Cemetery. All Rights Reserved.